The Micro-Chipped New World Order


Blue Sky Rat Terriers said...

I am so proud of this Pastor! More Pastors need to speak up and awaken the sleeping church

Noel Nathaniel Singh said...

As I was telling and posting on my Facebook that this (COVID-19) is all manufactured by demonic people.... led by Satan who is preparing for coming Anti-Christ and using these people. Why I always call these liberals & Democrats & Socialist all are demonic...worshippers of Satan [(But they are blind by this god of this world - 2 Cor. 4:4, these so called Christians in democratic party they will not accept they they are actually serving devil)].
[NOTE: Please read my posting "Worldwide Big Scandal Against Trump", please spread this video to all your friends & in public everywhere, so that this whole world will know what is going on by these globalists'.]

Hope every Christian & US citizens be in strong in faith, because this leader Antichrist will rule, time yet not here, this man of evil not revealed yet. Time is coming, either follow him or God and if God then be arrested or killed by government. Coronavirus is manufactured weapon to kill old people to control population...Bill Gates, George Soros, demonic Democrats are joined with China to just remove Trump, their plan is to kill Americans and destroy American economy, but it went wrong and Trump has suspended flights from China, therefore they have detoured flights to Europe and from there to USA....that's why Europe caught in middle.

1. President Trump is killing China's economy by imposing tariff that's why China want to remove Trump, demonic Democrats want to remove Trump, deep states want remove Trump...there is big worldwide scandal and mafia against Trump. No one want disclose, but this is international scandal. World Health Organization (WHO), is link with China, China want to be super power, China very soon will take over Africa, but as long as Trump is President, China will not be superpower, it won't happen, therefore they want Trump must be removed or defeated, so that China don't have to pay tariff on all export to USA, and Trump want bring American companies to back to US, recall all companies from China to US. China do not have option that's why China, UN, WHO joined with demonic Democrats because everyone of these have same agenda to just remove Trump by either way.

2. Now Bill Gates & George Soros came in picture because they both want to join with Pope and bring globalism and financial they will be beneficial on vaccine which will be worldwide, with One-World Leader, as he rule they rule. It is worldwide mafia to shut all Christians and Republicans and this President.

3. Why these demonic Democrats want to continue lock or close America, not only America but through World Health Organization (WHO), scaring whole world, making everyone panic. Think this, why all deaths due to coronavirus, what happened before coronavirus the natural death worldwide was 13 000 per day? What happen natural death? Not everyone died or dying from coronavirus. This is manufactured, created by globalist for their agenda to capture the world by the help of China.

4. Democrats want to keep lock (close) the country so that unemployment go more up, business would die, economy go to bottom, American people would frustrated, angry and finally they my rebellious against President Trump and do not vote him. 2ndly they want to make new slogan 'vote by mail' ... so that can cheat, fraud and corruption and hijack the election.

Satan is very active and working and preparing the way to bring One World Leader, he will be Antichrist, this leader will be so powerful, he will reject the existence of God Almighty, he will declare himself as God. More you must study the Word of God book of Revelation chapter 13 & chapter 17. Pope is very active through evil spirits to establishes One world religion, with false spiritual teaching - he is Not yet revealed, but Pope will be a false prophet in coming last days.

Noel Nathaniel Singh said...

As I was telling and posting on my Facebook that this (COVID-19) is all manufactured by demonic people.... led by Satan who is preparing for coming Anti-Christ and using these people. Why I always call these liberals & Democrats & Socialist all are demonic...worshippers of Satan [(But they are blind by this god of this world - 2 Cor. 4:4, these so called Christians in democratic party they will not accept they they are actually serving devil)].
[NOTE: Please read my posting "Worldwide Big Scandal Against Trump", please spread this video to all your friends & in public everywhere, so that this whole world will know what is going on by these globalists'.]

Hope every Christian & US citizens be in strong in faith, because this leader Antichrist will rule, time yet not here, this man of evil not revealed yet. Time is coming, either follow him or God and if God then be arrested or killed by government. Coronavirus is manufactured weapon to kill old people to control population...Bill Gates, George Soros, demonic Democrats are joined with China to just remove Trump, their plan is to kill Americans and destroy American economy, but it went wrong and Trump has suspended flights from China, therefore they have detoured flights to Europe and from there to USA....that's why Europe caught in middle.
1. President Trump is killing China's economy by imposing tariff that's why China want to remove Trump, demonic Democrats want to remove Trump, deep states want remove Trump...there is big worldwide scandal and mafia against Trump. No one want disclose, but this is international scandal. World Health Organization (WHO), is link with China, China want to be super power, China very soon will take over Africa, but as long as Trump is President, China will not be superpower, it won't happen, therefore they want Trump must be removed or defeated, so that China don't have to pay tariff on all export to USA, and Trump want bring American companies to back to US, recall all companies from China to US. China do not have option that's why China, UN, WHO joined with demonic Democrats because everyone of these have same agenda to just remove Trump by either way.
2. Now Bill Gates & George Soros came in picture because they both want to join with Pope and bring globalism and financial they will be beneficial on vaccine which will be worldwide, with One-World Leader, as he rule they rule. It is worldwide mafia to shut all Christians and Republicans and this President.
3. Why these demonic Democrats want to continue lock or close America, not only America but through World Health Organization (WHO), scaring whole world, making everyone panic. Think this, why all deaths due to coronavirus, what happened before coronavirus the natural death worldwide was 13 000 per day? What happen natural death? Not everyone died or dying from coronavirus. This is manufactured, created by globalist for their agenda to capture the world by the help of China.
4. Democrats want to keep lock (close) the country so that unemployment go more up, business would die, economy go to bottom, American people would frustrated, angry and finally they my rebellious against President Trump and do not vote him. 2ndly they want to make new slogan 'vote by mail' ... so that can cheat, fraud and corruption and hijack the election.
Satan is very active and working and preparing the way to bring One World Leader, he will be Antichrist, this leader will be so powerful, he will reject the existence of God Almighty, he will declare himself as God. More you must study the Word of God book of Revelation chapter 13 & chapter 17. Pope is very active through evil spirits to establishes One world religion, with false spiritual teaching - he is Not yet revealed, but Pope will be a false prophet in coming last days.